Your study environment plays an important role as much as the study material and having a beneficial study environment can aid in assimilation as well as in understanding. Finding one optimal place to study is important, but choosing what works for you to make the best of your study environment in order to drive positive results is essential, that is why we have come up with these few tips to guide you through the process of creating a positive study environment.

Here are the few tips to help you in creating a positive study environment that will be most effective for you.

Find Comfort
One thing you should always put into consideration is your comfort. Being comfortable is about finding balance, in other words, you do not want to be so comfortable that you can’t stay awake and you do not want to be less comfortable that you can’t focus. Hence, it is important to find a balance that best suits you. Most times sitting at a desk with a comfortable chair to go with it is the best way to go. However, you are the architect of your own comfort and space, that is why it is advisable to go with what best fits your current mood as well as your body or nature.

Personalize your Space
As mentioned above, part of the criteria for attaining maximum comfort in your study environment is personalization. A little bit of personalization can give you a sense of ownership in your studies which in turn aids proactive studying. Part of the personalization effect includes putting up quotes that can motivate you to keep doing better as well as motivates you to be relentless in achieving your aim and goals. However, do not overdo the personalization that it would end up distracting you.

Eliminate Distractions
To make the best of your study space, it is important to eliminate anything that can serve as a distraction or hinder smooth study. By eliminating forms of distractions which include television sets, video games, loud radio and even your mobile phone (which as helpful as they may seem in gathering information and staying up-to-date, can also serve as big distractors) you can assure yourself of a study environment that allows you to fully concentrate.

Keep Stock of Supplies Handy
Keeping stock of supplies like notebooks, textbooks, calculators, notepads, pen, pencils, erasers, rulers and so on with you at your study space can aid proper study and save time, such that you do not have to keep getting up to search for basic materials that are needed during study time.

Keep a Clock Near you
Having a clock near you is a way to keep track of time. For someone with designated study time, it is helpful to keep a clock near you to know the time spent during study without having to resort to your mobile phone which as mentioned above, can be a major distraction while studying. Hence, a clock is a smart choice and the best way to go.

Try Music
According to study, it was suggested that “listening to background music prior to studying increased cognitive processes, such as attention and memory, through the mechanism of increasing arousal and positive mood.” However, while music may be a good option for most people, it might not be a good option for some, as it depends on each person’s nature. Hence, it is important to be honest with yourself and choose which way best works for you. If you are choosing music, you should know which one helps you assimilate better, could be a simple orchestra symphony, country music and might even be white noise, but if you are not the type that likes to get involved with music while studying, it is better to stay away.

While this article may not include all the tips available, we certainly hope these few tips can help you in creating a positive study environment and driving positive results.


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