How You can Boost Your Self Confidence

        People have the mistaken notion that someone either has or doesn't have self confidence. They believe you were either born with self confidence or you had parents who instilled it within you by their encouragement and affirmation. Few people realize that self-confidence is also a skill you can develop if you have the determination to work at it. You can develop self-confidence if you start with a few simple strategies. All students do better in college when they have confidence in their abilities. When you are self-confident, you believe in yourself, are visible, take reasonable risks easily make friends, voice your opinion, participate in activities, and do your best work. These are all traits of the most successful people. If you would like to boost self-confidence within you, adopt the following approach:

        Decide What You Want To Do or accomplish
        To get started, pick one or two things that are important to you. When you focus only on a few things, your chances for success will increase. 2. Increase Your Effort, Determination and Persistence - To achieve anything difficult, all these factors plays a pivotal role. Hard work, determination and persistence are a large part of the price you must pay for success. As you increase your effort, determination and persistence, success and self-confidence will follow naturally.
        Be Prepared
        Exceptional preparation is required for any significant achievement. Professionals understand that anticipation, research, study, practice, support and determination are the ingredients of success. Successful people always do the hard work before they need it. When you are unprepared for what you know is coming, you are setting yourself up for failure.
        Begin To Demonstrate New Behaviours
        Do the things that will make you the person you want to be. Say yes to a few things when you would normally say no. That will help you begin to behave your way to greater self-confidence. Your appearance, words, optimism, behaviour, body language, activities and results all give you opportunities to demonstrate self-confidence. By making small changes and improvements, you will find the courage to set yourself on a path to greater success.
        Find Out What the Most Successful People Do
         Look for people who are successful within your area(s) of concern. Learn from them. As appropriate, adopt some of their actions and approaches, so you can be more successful too.
        Identify New People and New Relationships
        Find two or three positive, supportive, and friendly people who will enable you see the possibilities, not just the problems. You need people who will have your best interests at heart, people you can talk with about anything. Then, make a point of reducing and eliminating your contact with the negative and overly critical people in your circle of friends. They are the ones who tear you down and make you look bad, in order to make themselves look good. You don't need them.
        Practice Continuous Learning Within Your Area(s) of Interest
        Information is power. Read, talk to others, and do some research. You must learn everything you can about the areas which you are trying to improve. The more you know the better decisions you will make. Ignorance is never a good decision making tool.
       Change Your Attitude and Your Approach
        Be and stay positive and friendly. Improve the way you think, act, and talk. Your attitude and your actions tell others who you are. Find people and activities that make you happy, smile and laugh. When you are with people you enjoy being around and doing things that make you happy, your world will be brighter.
        Recognize Your Strengths
        We all have things that we do well and come easily to us. Because of that, we enjoy doing them. That is why you should spend most of your time finding and doing the things that utilize your strengths. When you choose activities that you like and do well, good feelings and good results will predominate.
        Modify Your Classroom Behaviour
        Behave like you are in the top 20% of the class. Sit in the front, read the material, study hard, come prepared, participate and ask questions. Show a genuine interest and curiosity in the course you are pursuing though this list is by no stretch exhaustive, one of the most important things we all need is self confidence. With confidence, we believe there's very little one cannot accomplish.


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